Clinics We Offer
We seek to offer the full range of NHS General Practice services. If you require a specific service please feel free to ask if it is one that is commissioned or provided privately (e.g. medical reports).
Our clinics provide longer appointments with an opportunity to discuss preventative care, treatment and disease management.

Asthma Clinic
Our nursing team can assess your asthma, offer advice on management of your condition and answer any queries.
They will also see asthmatic patients at other times by request.
Our Asthma nurses are Lisa, Nikki and Louise.

AF (Atrial Fibrillation)
In atrial fibrillation, the heart rate is irregular and can sometimes be very fast. In some cases, it can be considerably higher than 100 beats a minute.
This can cause problems including dizzyness, fatigue and shortness of breath.
You may be aware of noticeable heart palpitations, where your heart feels like it's pounding, fluttering or beating irregularly, often for a few seconds or, in some cases, a few minutes.
Sometimes atrial fibrillation does not cause any symptoms and a person who has it is completely unaware that their heart rate is irregular.
Our Atrial Fibrillation nurses are Linda, Lisa and Nikki.

Blood Pressure
For a routine measurement, please utilise the Blood pressure pod in the downstairs waiting room.
Tell us your readings so we can add them to your record.
Our BP check nurses are Lydia, Nikki, Linda, Lisa and Louise.

Cervical Smears and swabs
Our practice nurses are trained to carry out cervical smears and swabs.
It is recommended that all ladies from the ages of 25 to 64 have a cervical smear on a regular basis as advised by the DoH.
Our Cervical Smear nurses are Nikki, Lydia, Linda, Lisa and Louise.

Child Health / Immunisation Clinics
Child Health Surveillance - all child development checks are carried out by our team of Health Visitors. Appointments are sent by the Health Visitors support staff.
Childhood Immunisations - the immunisation clinic is held every Wednesday morning by a Practice nurse. Click here for the NHS recommended schedule
Our Child Imms nurses are Nikki, Linda and Lisa.

Coronary Heart Disease/Heart Failure Clinic
Health checks and lifestyle advice are given to patients who have coronary heart disease, primarily by the Nursing Team.
The practice runs its own electrocardiography (E.C.G) service.
Our nurses for CHD are Linda, Lisa and Nikki.
Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a long-term condition where the kidneys do not work as well as they should.
It's a common condition often associated with getting older. It can affect anyone, but it's more common in people who are black or of south Asian origin.
CKD can get worse over time and eventually the kidneys may stop working altogether, but this is uncommon. Many people with CKD are able to live long lives with the condition.
Our nurses for CKD are Nikki, Linda, Lisa and Louise.

COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a group of lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties.
It includes:
- emphysema – damage to the air sacs in the lungs
- chronic bronchitis – long-term inflammation of the airways
COPD is a common condition that mainly affects middle-aged or older adults who smoke. Many people do not realise they have it.
The breathing problems tend to get gradually worse over time and can limit your normal activities, although treatment can help keep the condition under control.
Our COPD nurse is Lisa.

Have you been diagnosed with Dementia?
If so you require annual checks with our nurses at the surgery.
Our Dementia nurses are Linda and Lisa.

Diabetic Clinic
Regular follow-ups and annual screening are important for the prevention, early detection and treatment of the complications of diabetes. Advice is given on all aspects of diabetic care including eye problems, foot care and dietary advice, as well as drug and injection treatments.
This clinic is run by the diabetic specialist nurses to help patients manage their diabetes.
Our Diabetic nurses are Lisa and Linda.
Our Pre-Diabetic nurses are Nikki, Lydia and Louise.

Dressings and Stitches
If you have stitches, take care to:
- keep them clean and dry
- watch out for any increase in redness, swelling or pain
If you have a dressing change requirement and need regular assistance, our nurses can do this for you.
A doctor or nurse should tell you how to care for your wound. This will reduce your risk of developing an infection, or catch it early.
Our nurses are Lydia, Nikki, Linda, Lisa and Louise.
We also care for wounds that require specific compression dressings.
Our nurses for compression dressings are Lydia, Linda and Louise.
Epilepsy is a common condition that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures.
Seizures are bursts of electrical activity in the brain that temporarily affect how it works. They can cause a wide range of symptoms.
Epilepsy can start at any age, but usually starts either in childhood or in people over 60.
It's often lifelong, but can sometimes get slowly better over time.
Our Epilepsy nurses are Linda, Lisa, Lydia and Nikki.

Family Planning
All of our nurses can give general advice about all matters of contraception and perform coil checks, however Lisa and Louise can issue repeat prescriptions for the pill. Emergency contraception can be offered up to 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Please telephone for advice if required.
Our doctors fit coils & implanons after the appropriate review.
Our nurses for family planning are Lisa, Louise. Nikki and Linda (injections only) Lydia (Depo Provera ONLY)
Our nurses for coil checks and removals are Lydia, Linda, Lisa and Louise.
The British Geriatric Society refers to five ‘frailty syndromes’:
- Falls (eg collapse, legs gave way, ‘found lying on floor’).
- Immobility (eg sudden change in mobility, ‘gone off legs’ ‘stuck in toilet’).
- Delirium (eg acute confusion, ’muddledness’, sudden worsening of confusion in someone with previous dementia or known memory loss).
- Incontinence (eg change in continence – new onset or worsening of urine or faecal incontinence).
- Susceptibility to side effects of medication (eg confusion with codeine, hypotension with antidepressants).
Our Frailty nurses are Linda and Lisa.

Foot pulse checks and Doppler tests
Foot pulse checks feel the pulses in your feet to help give us an idea of how healthy your heart is. Our feet are the furthest body part away from the heart and it’s important we know that they are getting a good vascular supply. This is especially important if you have Diabetes or conditions that affect your circulation.
A Doppler test is used to detect blood flow. It shows whether a pulse is present and whether there is blood flow to a limb. It can diagnose or help to manage conditions such as peripheral arterial disease or a diabetic foot ulcer. Compared with feeling the pulse with the fingertips, which can be unreliable, a hand-held Doppler test has far greater value.
Our doppler nurse is Linda.
Our foot pulse check nurses are Lydia, Linda, Lisa and Louise.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, rarely has noticeable symptoms. But if untreated, it increases your risk of serious problems such as heart attacks and strokes.
Around 1 in 4 adults in the UK have high blood pressure, although many will not realise it.
The only way to find out if your blood pressure is high is to have your blood pressure checked.
Our Hypertension Nurses are Nikki, Lydia, Linda, Lisa and Louise.
An overactive thyroid, also known as hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis, is where the thyroid gland produces too much of the thyroid hormones.
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, just in front of the windpipe (trachea). It produces hormones that affect things such as your heart rate and body temperature.
An underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) is where your thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones.
Common signs of an underactive thyroid are tiredness, weight gain and feeling depressed.
An underactive thyroid can often be successfully treated by taking daily hormone tablets to replace the hormones your thyroid is not making.
Our Hyper/hypothyroidism nurses are Linda, Lisa, Nikki and Louise.

Learning disability clinic
Learning Disability
It is important that everyone over the age of 14 who is on their doctor's learning disability register has an annual health check.
An annual health check can help you stay well by talking to a doctor or nurse about your health and finding any problems early, so they can be sorted out.
You do not have to be ill to have a health check – in fact, most people have their annual health check when they are feeling well.
If you are worried about seeing a doctor, or there is anything they can do to make your appointment better, let the doctor or nurse know.
Have you booked your free health check? Please speak to Reception.
Our Learning Disability nurses are Nikki, Lydia and Lisa.
Mental Health Review
If you have schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or psychosis, your GP surgery should invite you to have an annual health check.
During your health check the doctor or nurse will be able to look for any health problems, to help you get the treatment you need to stay well.
You can ask them questions about your health and tell them how you are feeling.
You can also talk about any treatment you are having or medicines you take.
Our Mental Health Nurse is Lydia followed by a GP or Registrar.

Minor Surgery
Dr Kausar, Dr Sahni and Dr James all undertake minor surgery on the premises.
NHS Health Check
Health checks can be booked for people who are aged 40 to 74 who do not have any of the following pre-existing conditions:
- heart disease
- chronic kidney disease
- diabetes
- hypertension
- atrial fibrillation
- transient ischaemic attack
- inherited high cholesterol (familial hypercholesterolemia)
- heart failure
- peripheral arterial disease
- stroke
- currently being prescribed statins to lower cholesterol
Health checks should take place every 5 years.
Our health check nurses are Lydia, Nikki and Linda.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a long-term condition that causes pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints. The condition usually affects the hands, feet and wrists.
There may be periods where symptoms become worse, known as flare-ups or flares.
A flare can be difficult to predict, but with treatment it's possible to decrease the number of flares and minimise or prevent long-term damage to the joints.
Some people with rheumatoid arthritis also experience problems in other parts of the body, or more general symptoms such as tiredness and weight loss.
Our Rheumatoid Arthritis nurses are Linda and Lisa.

Spirometry is a simple test used to help diagnose and monitor certain lung conditions by measuring how much air you can breathe out in one forced breath.
It's carried out using a device called a spirometer, which is a small machine attached by a cable to a mouthpiece.
You only require a spirometry test if asked to do so by a clinican.
Our Spirometry nurses are Lydia and Lisa.
A stroke is a serious life-threatening medical condition that happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off.
Strokes are a medical emergency and urgent treatment is essential.
The sooner a person receives treatment for a stroke, the less damage is likely to happen.
If you suspect that you or someone else is having a stroke, phone 999 immediately and ask for an ambulance.
Our stroke nurses are Linda, Lisa and Nikki.

Travel Clinic
If you're planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.
Vaccinations are available to protect you against infections such as yellow fever, typhoid and hepatitis A.
In the UK, the NHS routine immunisation (vaccination) schedule protects you against a number of diseases, but does not cover all of the infectious diseases found overseas.
Please ask our reception team for a travel vaccination form or use our online form.
Please note a fee may be payabale.
Our Travel clinic nurses are Nikki, Lisa and Linda.

Vaccinations & Immunisations
Vaccination against influenza is available every year from mid September to December by appointment. We encourage all patients over 65 and all patients with diabetes, chronic chest conditions, (including heart disease), asthma, renal (kidney) disease, residents of nursing and residential homes and the elderly, to take advantage of this service, although others can be vaccinated on request.
There are also a variety of other immunisations available for adults including tetanus and polio vaccinations given every 10 years or when necessary, rubella and travel immunisations.
Our vaccination nurses are Linda, Lisa, Louise, Nikki and Lydia (B12, Shingles and flu, Pneumonia)

Flu Clinics - Seasonal flu vaccinations
From the week commencing 18th of September 2023, King Edward Road Surgery will be offering seasonal flu vaccinations to eligible groups. These include:
- Those aged 65 years and over
- Those aged 6 months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups
- Pregnant women
- All children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 august 2023
- Those in long-stay residential care homes
- Carers in receipt of carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person
- Close contacts of immunocompromised individuals
- Frontline workers in a social care setting without an employer led occupational health scheme including those working for a registered residential care or nursing home, registered domiciliary care providers, voluntary managed hospice providers and those that are employed by those who receive direct payments (personal budgets) or personal health budgets, such as personal assistants.
We will be sending all eligible people a text message with facilities to booking an appointment.